While it certainly is cool, a rather mild four degrees, it is far warmer than any past Christmas I can remember. We had one snowfall in November, before my birthday, but other than that, and the odd flakes here and there, the grounds have been bare. Just to let the UK people know I am thinking about them, my piece of art today is a snowflake.

Yep. That's what it is. I know it looks like crap, but I never had any drawing classes.
My talent is self taught. I think that's evident.
As for my own feelings on snow? Well, I don't mind it. I just hate walking in it. No one here knows how to drive in it. Despite the fact that it comes every year, no one is ever prepared for it. And it never snows enough to shut my workplace down. So, as nice as it is to see the fluffy flakes falling from the heavens, I would much prefer the ground be warm enough for it not to stick. The only thing that matters is that the mountains have it and they are looking very pretty as of late. I will see if I can get a picture for you guys soon.
I hope everyone has a holly jolly Christmas. xoxoxo
That's freakin' awesome! I swear, there's nothing you can't do.
It looks like complete crap!
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